hello today's blog will be about kiwis. Kiwis are Newzealands native birds. they cant fly, because they have really small wings. there wings are around 2 inches long! i made some slides about kiwis heres the link to my slides
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 7 and in 2021 I will be a year 8. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
facts about kiwis
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Adult eels swim about 5,000 km from inland NZ to somewhere near Tonga to lay their eggs before dying. Baby eels are called Elvers and come to New Zealand all the way from Tonga.
At what age do eels die? Eels die around the age of 15 to 30 years for short fin eels and 25 years for long fins, and sometimes up to 80 years. How long are eels? Eels are about 60 to 80 cm long. Baby eels are about 1 millimetre long.
What do eels eat? Eels eat live food. Eels are carnivorous, meaning they are meat eaters. Their favourite food are animals such as worms, snails, frogs, shrimp, mussels, lizards and other small fish.
Friday, November 5, 2021
Facts about longfin eels.
Hey everyone. Today I"m going to show you some facts about long finned eel. here is the link for the book called " Uncle Don knows heaps of wacky stuff" I enjoyed doing this blog and presentation because it was fun learning facts about long-fin eels.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Hokey Pokey
Aim: To make hokey pokey using sugar, golden syrup and baking soda.
When the sugar and goldensyrup combine with the baking soda it froths and makes carbon dioaoxide gas. That is why the hokey pokey has bubbles.
- 2 tablespoons Golden Syrup
- 4 tablespoons sugar
- 1 Heaped teaspoon of baking soda
- Pot
- Tablespoon and teaspoon
- Bunsen burner
- Grease proof paper
- Put 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of golden syrup in a saucepan and melt.
- Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 5 minutes
- Add baking soda and stir vigorously.
- Put the hokey pokey on a piece of grease prove paper to to cool.
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
The Empty Pot
Hello, today's blog will be about The Empty Pot. This story is a folk tale. A folk tale is a story that has been told for generations and has a moral or a lesson in it. This folk tale is about a boy named Ping. Ping loved to plant lots of flowers he had his own garden filled with flowers. Everyone in his town loved flowers. There was a Emperor and he set up a competition. The competition was, who ever could grow best flower they will be the new Emperor. Ping and all the other kids were so exited. They all went and got a seed from the Emperor. Ping and all the other kids were so exited. they all went back to the valley and then planted them. But the seed didn't work. So all the kids except Ping replaced the seed with another seed. Ping tried his seed that the Emperor gave him. It wasn't working, he was trying for so long and a whole year passed by. Then it was the day of the Emperor picking the best flower. Everyone had lots of different flowers, but Ping had a empty pot. He was so sad. The Emperor called everyone up one after the other. and then it was time for Ping, he was the last one. When he went up he started crying and he said, "I'm so sorry, I couldn't grow my seed. I've been trying. Everyday I water it, and I even changed the soil and pot. But it still didn't work". The Emperor said "The reason your seed didn't grow is because I cooked the seeds before giving it to you guys". Then the other kids were embarrassed. The Emperor was mad at all the other kids but not Ping. The other kids replaced the seeds but Ping didn't. Ping was honest and the Emperor made Ping the new Emperor.
The morel of this story is, be honest and don't cheat.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
ginger beer
Today we made ginger beer in class. We did this by activating the yeast first by adding sugar to the yeast, putting some ginger and warm water in a cup together. Once we had done this we put it to the side and left it to ferment while we made the rest of the ginger beer. We made the ginger beer in an ice cream container by adding first the sugar, then the water, some lemon juice and lastly the ginger beer bug. Once everything was mixed up we put it in a bottle. It is going to take about 6 days to turn into ginger beer. Mr Palmer is going to keep it in his office for the next week.
Monday, August 9, 2021
Yeast are fungi.
Yeast has been around for a long time.
Yeast is all around us in the air.
There is natural yeast.
There is also man made yeast.
There are over one thousand kinds of yeast.
Cloth sieve
Plastic (PET) bottle and cap.
Bug (for a group of 3)
50ml warm water
½ tsp active dried yeast
½ tsp sugar
½ tsp ground ginger
Ginger beer ( for 1 litre )
¾ cup sugar
½ tsp cream of tartar
1L cold water
Juice of ½ lemon
1 tsp ginger beer bug.
In a large bowl. Put the sugar and cream of tartar, then add the warm water.
Stir to dissolve the sugar before adding the cold water.
Add the ginger beer bug to the large bowl of cold water.
Stir well and then pour into your clean bottle.
Label your bottle with your group names.
Place all the bottle in the class container
Store in a cool, dark place for one week before drinking.
Make sure you open the bottle in the kitchen as it might overflow. Open the cap bit by bit to allow the air to escape.
Breads, muffins, croissants
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Aim: To see which is the best way to cool the hot chilli taste in your mouth when eating chilli.
Hypothesis: I think that by using milk i will be able to remove the hot chilli taste from my mouth.
1. milk
2. water
3. Coca Cola
4. tasting cup
5. Chilli
1. You will work in groups of three for this experiment. Each person in the group will use of the drinks with the chilli. You will then swap results in your group so that everyone has the same results.
2. Each members of the group needs to have their own tasting cup. This will be used for putting the different liquids in as we cool off the chilli in our mouths.
3 Place a piece of chilli in your mouth.
4. You will be drink the liquid that you have in your cup. As you do this you will complete a results chart.
Summary and Results:
The milk did not work immediately. After 3 minutes it had a small effect
The Coke had a small effect immediately. Coke had no effect after 3 minutes
The water did not work immediately. The water did not stop the chilli after 3 minutes
Milk could be a solution to eating spicy-foods literally. That's because milk helps your mouth handle Capscaicin, an oily chemical compound in chilli peppers. Capsaicin binds to a receptor in the tongue and creates a burning sensation. Casein protein in milk can also bind to the capsaicin and wash it away
Thursday, July 29, 2021
taste testing
Samples 1-9
Blindfold glasses
Recording chart
Ice cream stick taster
Get safety glasses and make a blindfold.
Set up your chart and make sure that the person you are working with knows where to record your responses.
Using an ice-cream stick you will dip it into the Sample. Once the sample is on the stick you will taste it and tell your partner your response.
There will be 2 answers.
Answer 1. At the taste test one you need to hold your nose.
Answer 2. What do you it is. Record it.
6. Repeat this for the next samples but you will only need to use your icecream stick taster for samples 1-4
Blind taste testing result
Sample number | Sweet, sour, bitter, salty. | I think it is……. |
Sample A | Sweet | Sugar |
Sample B | Sour | Salt |
Sample C | Bitter | Baking powder |
Sample D | SOUR!!! | Sitric acid |
Sample E | sweet/bitter | onion |
Sample F | Potato | Sweet |
Sample G | Sweet | Apple |
Sample H | Sweet | Lollie |
Sample I | sweet / sour | Gummy bear |
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Stop motion film
hello people today's blog will be about stop motion film. in art class we did stop motion film that we had to create ourselves. our stop motion film was about aliens vs monsters. we made characters with clay and then used a stop motion film app on our chrome book to create the video. i was in a group with Noah and Temauria
how to sleep
I learnt that sleep helps me by giving me energy for the next day. And did u you know that when you are sleeping your brain starts doing a lot of stuff, like locks up your important stuff like your password and other stuff?
When I sleep it feels like we have been sleeping for only one hour. It's pretty weird, but when you wake up in the middle of the night like 1:00 am and then sleep after it feels like you have been sleeping for ages. Did you know that 12 percent of people dream entirely in black and white? Humans spend 1/3 of their life sleeping.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Stop Cyber Bully

Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Body Percussion
In our class we did body percussion. When we did body percussion we only had three group members. Me, Levi and Tom. Body percussion is when you make music or beat with your body. My group was quite good. here is a link to our body percussion sound.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
International Women's Day
To Jacinda Adern,
8 March 2021 marks International Women's Day. It's a day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women whilst also calling for equality where men and women are treated the same. I think that international women's day is important because our mums and other women do so much for us, like make us dinner, pack our lunch, help us with so much other stuff and even in school the teacher here are always nice to us and give us so much respect and we have to do the same to them.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Using a Bunsen Burner
Aim: To demonstrate how to heat a liquid inside a test tube.
Equipment: Bunsen burner, Heatproof mat, Lighter, test tube, tube tongs and safety glasses.
1. Light the Bunsen Burner.
2. Fill your test tube to approximately Sml water.
3. Turn the collar at the Bunsen so the flame is blue.
4. Holding the test tube with the test tube tongs, tilt the test tube on a 45 degree angle and place the bottem of the test tube into the flame Ensure that the mouth of the test tube is not poring towords anyone.
The Wheel
The Wheel
Uses for the Wheel Over the Centuries | Date |
First wheel used for pottery in Mesopotamia | 4200-4000BC |
Wheel invented independently, China | 2800BC |
First iron rims, Celtic Chariots | 800-450BC |
Wheels for spinning pottery and as water wheels, Nubia | 400BC |
First spoked wheels, Turkey | 2000BC |
First 2 wheeled vehicles, Europe | 3402-2800 |
First Wheeled vehicles, Europe and Asia | 3500-3350BC |
First know wheel tracks, Germany | 3420-3585 |
First wheelbarrows in China | 50 AD |
First spinning wheel, China | 1000 AD |
First bicycle & first “kick” scooter, Germany | 1817 AD |
First pneumatic tire, Scotland | 1847AD |
Turnspit dog used to cook meat, Britain | 1500-1800AD |
First roller skates, Belgium | 1743AD |
First ferris wheel,USA | 1893AD |
First gas/petrol powered tractor, US | 1892AD |
First skateboard, USA | 1950s AD |
First wheelbarrows (outside of china), Europe | 1170-1250AD |
First motor car & motor bike, Germany | 1885 AD |
First ferris wheel, USA | 1893AD |
First skateboard, USA | 1950sAD |
First Segway (England) | 2001AD |
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Hello readers today's blog will be about songs my favourite song is spicy by ty dollar sign. I like this song because the beat is cool and i can vibe to it. my other favourite song is so long its a good song too. my other song is we will rock you its a cool song and I like vibing to it
In PE we are doing athletics, in athletics we did relay, long jump, shot put, sprinting and discus. My favourite part was the relay because we got to get in teams and it was fun doing the relay with our friends. I improved in my long jump and i have improved in my relay. I would like to do more relays and more sprints.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Hello readers, welcome back to my blog, today's blog will be about the camp that I went to on Saturday. So on Saturday I went to a all Muslim boys camp. At the camp it was really fun we got to do a lot of activities. We got to go kayaking and we got to go hiking up the hills. When we went hiking the hill was steep, and there were a lot of prickly bushes. One of my friends fell into the bush and got lots of cuts. But he was fine. When we came back down from hiking, we got changed into our swimming clothes. We went kayaking. It was so fun, we went into the ocean. When I was in the kayak I accidentally Steered the wrong way and we crashed into a lot of rocks. The rocks were slippery and they were sharp. I had to get out of the kayak to change places with my partner. When I hopped out of the kayak, The kayak was pushing me towards the big rocks. My left foot got stuck between the rocks, When i got back on the kayak i saw my foot and i told one of my friends they told one of the leaders. When we went onto the beach one of the leaders put a bandage on my foot. After that we went back to the camp and we ate lunch. For lunch we had all sorts of different food. After dinner we played spotlight in the dark. After the spotlight game we went to bed. I was trying to sleep, but there were some boys that were making lots of noise. My friends Zeyad told us a story. In the morning we had to wake up at 6:00am for our prayer, when we finished our prayer we were allowed to just chill in our cabins at 8:00am we had breakfast, and for breakfast we had cereal. When i was eating my breakfast I saw a little puppy outside. I went to go play with the puppy. It was so cute, it didn't have a collar so I thought it was wild. But it was really friendly. We played fetch with it and it actually played, then after a while the owner came to get it, turned out to be hers. Well that's the end of my blog today. BYE :)
Hands On FIRE!
I want to Safely light my hands on fire.
Before we do this activity safely we need to be aware of the safety features.
Activity: In pairs you need to come up with a list of 5 safety items that need to be considered when doing this experiment
1. Safety Glasses.
2. If you got long hair tie it up.
3. take off any jewellery.
4. always listen carefully to the teacher when you are doing a dangers experiment.
5. Never drink anything when doing a experiment (it might be acid or other stuff like that)
1. Collect your equipment
2. Put some water into the tray
3. Squirt some detergent into the water
4. Put on safety glasses
5. Tie up long hair
6. Take off any jewellery
7. Wet your hands, wrists and arms
8. Bubble the gas into the water
9. Scoop the bubbles but not the water
10. Hold the bubbles in front of your face with arms locked
When the experiment happened:
I saw... Fire
I felt... Flames
I heard... people say OW
I smelled... the stinky smoke