
Monday, September 28, 2020

My Holiday So Far

 My holiday so far is going great, and i just got news that on October 3rd we are going to be going hanmer springs, and we are going to meat our two uncles, two aunties and two little cousins. When i got the news me and my sisters were jumping up and down an my mums bed, because we were so happy. I just can't wait. We haven't seen them in so long, we were living there in Hamilton but we had to move here. Our two little cousins are so cute. There is Safwaan, he's four and there is Bilal he's one. Safwaan can't hear, so he has this wire and magnet in his head, and there is another magnet outside that sticks to the magnet inside so he can hear. It's pretty cool, when ever it falls off he sometimes puts it back on. But when he doesn't want to listen to anyone he just takes it off. well that is the end of my blog.

The End. :) 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

My Sisters Birthday!

 Hello readers, today was my sisters birthday and it was so fun. She got some peasants from some people and she had a cake. I didn't eat the cake because I don't like lots of icing. Our cousins came for her birthday, and my cousins family friend, and we invited our neighbours. We played outside for a bit and then came inside, then went back outside and then came back inside. me and my cousin played on my PlayStation we played fortnite and then played Call Of Duty. At night my two uncles took me and my took sisters to McDonald's. I  bought a McFloat with grape and blueberry in it. my two sisters bought McFloat with lime and blueberry. it was so yum. And that is my blog for today. 

The End. :)


Friday, September 25, 2020



  • Listen               listening to your team leaders or your teachers. 
  • Focus               Focus on the drama or story so that after, when a friend ask you for help so you can                               help them with there work.
  • Move                         
  • Imagine 

the four friends are wanting to do something bad in the bus. and they are going to try to bully the boy and and take all the stuff out of his bag and laugh at him. 
The boys get suspended because they were bulling the little kids

Thursday, September 24, 2020

B&E Blog Post

1. My B&E was a success because lots of people came to our stand to play Ring Toss.

2. My group made $25 dollars at our B&E.

3. I learnt how start a business, make good decisions, and create designs 

4. I would probably change my idea of B&E


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

How Do Bees Make Honey

How do bees make honey

Western Honey Bees are responsible for pollinating three quarters of the world's fruit and vegetable plants, and making the delicious honey we enjoy. One Honey Bee hive can produce between 1-2 Kg of Honey a day! If bees would be never lived people would me starving right now 

   First the bees need to find a suitable food source. Then the bees dive in head first with their adapted  tongue and collect the nectar. The bees collect nectar in their honey stomach. A single bee will have to go to over one thousand flowers to fill their stomach up. While the nectar is in their stomach the enzymes break down the nectar into honey.

 After, the bee’s go to the beehive and vomit the nectar into another bee's mouth then that bee vomits the nectar into another bee's mouth. It sounds really disgusting but they make honey like that. After that they eventually spit the nectar into the honey come,and then dry it off with their wings.

Then the beekeeper comes and collects the yummy honey that the intelligent bees make. And that is how bees make honey. 

9 Ways Large & Small to Help Save Honey Bees | Made In Nature

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

maths DLO

 This week i learnt how multiplying 10,100 and 1000. Like if its 34x10 you take away the 1 and your left with 340. And if 34x100 it will be 3400 if. If its 38x1000 then you put three zeros on the end. So the answer will be 38,000