
Thursday, November 18, 2021

facts about kiwis

hello today's blog will be about kiwis. Kiwis are Newzealands  native birds. they cant fly, because they have really small wings. there wings are around 2 inches long! i made some slides about kiwis heres the link to my slides

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 Hello guys, today's blog will be about moas. moas have been around 5,000 years ago! That is crazy! I made a google slide about moas... here is a link to my google slides

this is some facts about moas hope you like it



Adult eels swim about 5,000 km from inland NZ to somewhere near Tonga to lay their eggs before dying. Baby eels are called Elvers and come to New Zealand all the way from Tonga. 

At what age do eels die? Eels die around the age of 15 to 30 years for short fin eels and 25 years for long fins, and sometimes up to 80 years. How long are eels? Eels are about 60 to 80 cm long. Baby eels are about 1 millimetre long.

What do eels eat? Eels eat live food. Eels are carnivorous, meaning they are meat eaters. Their favourite food are animals such as worms, snails, frogs, shrimp, mussels, lizards and other small fish.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Facts about longfin eels.

 Hey everyone. Today I"m going to show you some facts about long finned eel. here is the link for the book called " Uncle Don knows heaps of wacky stuff"  I enjoyed doing this blog and presentation because it was fun learning facts about long-fin eels. 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Hokey Pokey

Aim: To make hokey pokey using sugar, golden syrup and baking soda.

When the sugar and goldensyrup combine with the baking soda it froths and makes carbon dioaoxide gas. That is why the hokey pokey has bubbles.

  1. 2 tablespoons Golden Syrup
  2. 4 tablespoons sugar
  3. 1 Heaped teaspoon of baking soda
  4. Pot
  5. Tablespoon and teaspoon
  6. Bunsen burner
  7. Grease proof paper
  1. Put 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of golden syrup in a saucepan and melt.
  2. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 5 minutes
  3. Add baking soda and stir vigorously.
  4. Put the hokey pokey on a piece of grease prove paper to to cool.
The more the sugar syrup is cooked the browner it becomes. If it is left cooking for to long your hokey pokey becomes burnt.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Empty Pot

Hello, today's blog will be about The Empty Pot. This story is a folk tale. A folk tale is a story that has been told for generations and has a moral or a lesson in it. This folk tale is about a boy named Ping. Ping loved to plant lots of flowers he had his own garden filled with flowers. Everyone in his town loved flowers. There was a Emperor and he set up a competition. The competition was, who ever could grow best flower they will be the new Emperor. Ping and all the other kids were so exited. They all went and got a seed from the Emperor. Ping and all the other kids were so exited. they all went back to the valley and then planted them. But the seed didn't work. So all the kids except Ping replaced the seed with another seed. Ping tried his seed that the Emperor gave him. It wasn't working, he was trying for so long and a whole year passed by. Then it was the day of the Emperor picking the best flower. Everyone had lots of different flowers, but Ping had a empty pot. He was so sad. The Emperor called everyone up one after the other. and then it was time for Ping, he was the last one. When he went up he started crying and he said, "I'm so sorry, I couldn't grow my seed. I've been trying. Everyday I water it, and I even changed the soil and pot. But it still didn't work". The Emperor said "The reason your seed didn't grow is because I cooked the seeds before giving it to you guys". Then the other kids were embarrassed. The Emperor was mad at all the other kids but not Ping. The other kids replaced the seeds but Ping didn't. Ping was honest and the Emperor made Ping the new Emperor. 

The morel of this story is, be honest and don't cheat. 


Thursday, August 12, 2021

ginger beer

Today we made ginger beer in class. We did this by activating the yeast first by adding sugar to the yeast, putting some ginger and warm water in a cup together. Once we had done this we put it to the side and left it to ferment while we made the rest of the ginger beer. We made the ginger beer in an ice cream container by adding first the sugar, then the water, some lemon juice and lastly the ginger beer bug. Once everything was mixed up we put it in a bottle. It is going to take about 6 days to turn into ginger beer. Mr Palmer is going to keep it in his office for the next week.